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could be doing things better."
- Elon Musk, Investor & Entrepreneur


We have put together some guidelines to ensure all payments run smoothly on Lisnic.

How do I manage my payment settings?

To change your payment settings, select the ‘Payment’ option on the left hand menu of your dashboard.

What is Lisnic Pay?

Lisnic Pay is our inbuilt payment system to help you transact on Lisnic with confidence. When a person looking for help (Business Advisee) awards an Expert a request, the full amount for the session is held in escrow through Lisnic Pay. This amount will only be released once the Business Advisee has confirmed the session is complete and they are satisfied with the quality of the session.

How do I check my payment history?

To check your payment history, select the ‘Payment History’ option on the left hand menu of your dashboard.

Can I increase the price once I have assigned the request?

Currently, once a request is assigned you cannot change the price. 

We have created guidelines to ensure that all transactions run smoothly. The below outlines the following guidelines to make sure this is the case. 

Do all payments have to be made in full?

No partial payments will be allowed. When a request is awarded to an Expert, the full amount for the request will be held in escrow via Lisnic Pay.

Do all payments have to be run through the platform?

Yes. You cannot transact outside the platform with people you meet via Lisnic, and all payments must be run through the platform.

To ensure you receive your payments or make payments smoothly, ensure your bank and payment details are entered correctly into Lisnic.

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