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Claiming a Business

How do I list/claim my Business?

Type your company domain into the search bar, review the status (below) that applies to your business, type in your matching work/business email address and hit ‘verify’. 

This domain is Available: Hi! We’ve heard about your excellent services and have already listed your business. Continue claiming your business page now!

This Business Profile has already been claimed:…awkward. You can either request access from the current owner or report a problem directly to if you feel you are authorised to claim ownership. 

Sorry! We couldn’t find your business: Double check your domain name or continue without a website. 

Next, open the email in your inbox and click the link to verify your authorisation. 

What do I do now? Start filling in your profile and provide the team with proof of your business registration to receive your Lisnic verified business badge.

How? Complete the ‘Business Verification’ form located on the left hand side of the dashboard under ‘Business’. 

I don’t have a website. Can I still list my business?

Yes, with Lisnic you can create your own business page that does everything a website does-in minutes. 

Instead of typing a domain name into the search bar, simply select ‘create a new business profile here’ on the right hand side of your screen. 

Fill in your legal business name and an email address that you have access to and hit ‘verify’. 

Next, open the email in your inbox and click the link to verify your authorisation. 

What do I do now? Start filling in your profile and provide the team with proof of your business registration to receive your Lisnic verified business badge.

How? Complete the ‘Business Verification’ form located on the left hand side of the dashboard under ‘Business’.

Who can list or claim a business?

Anyone who is an authorised representative of the business. To verify your authorisation, you must either have a work email with the same company domain as the business you are claiming, or documentation that proves you are an authorised representative of the business.

I’m having trouble claiming my business. What should I do? 

We’ve got your back. Start by checking the following:

  1. You are accessing the website on a recent browser
  2. You are entering the right domain name
  3. You are entering the right email address
  4. You have checked your spam folders for the verification email
  5. You have cleared your cookies and cache

If you are still having issues, you can contact our friendly Customer Support team here.

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