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6 min read
By Lisa Teh

Why you need a Mind Mentor

Mental Health

How are you feeling? Is something on your mind that’s got you concerned? Maybe you need a mind mentor. What I’m talking about here is a psychologist or a therapist. There’s still a stigma around the idea of talking to someone about your feelings. Mostly because people are hung up on the idea that only “crazy” people seek out mental health experts.

The truth is, having someone to talk to about what’s going on in your life is a powerful idea. Even if you don’t have any concerns about your mental health, just having a neutral party to bounce your thoughts around with can give you the perspective you need to make great decisions.


When most people think of something like therapy, they think it’s a drawn-out process where a doctor asks deeply probing questions to get to the bottom of some emotional problem. The reality is a mental health coach (or mind mentor) can keep you on your game. Giving yourself a chance to express your deepest emotions and thoughts with a professional allows you to get them out in the open. That way they aren’t troubling you.

The truth is more people benefit from therapy than you might think. 27% of Americans utilize the services of a mental health professional (American Psychology Association.) There’s plenty of reasons to consider joining them, even if you don’t struggle with mental health issues.


A mind mentor doesn’t have a personal stake in your problems. Talking to close friends or family is difficult. They have a vested interest in how you move forward. They may have your best interest at heart, but they still have a say so. When you see a professional, that isn’t an issue.

A professional won’t have any preconceived notions about your issues. They don’t have a stake in how you move forward. They will keep your secrets. That means you can speak freely without fear of judgment or unwanted influence. You’ll be able to come to a healthy conclusion with the help of an objective professional.


Therapeutic mind mentorship isn’t necessarily about negative emotions or thinking. It’s very often the case that people will see a mind mentor to talk about what’s going well in their lives. It may be that doing so will help you to improve upon what’s already good. It’s always worth the time if you can go from good to great.

Being in such a judgment-free zone gives you the freedom to toot your own horn without feeling like you’re bragging. Mind mentors know that talking about what’s good is just as important as working through what’s bad. Having the chance to share those good things with an objective professional can inspire you to bigger and better things.


For some people, therapeutic mentorship is a lifelong journey. It’s something that they need regularly. There’s nothing wrong with that. It should be commended. Some people simply need a little help in making a big decision.

If you have an empathetic hear to hear you out, you allow yourself the freedom to look at things from all angles. Couple that with the impartiality of a professional listener and you get the benefit of perspective. A mind mentor will likely offer advice and a point of view you may not have considered. Valuable insight like that is hard to come by.


We’re often harder on ourselves than we need to be. If given the choice between thinking we did a good job on something or a bad job, most people will assume they did a bad job. Even if everyone around them is singing their praises, people tend to believe the worst about themselves.

When we allow ourselves the benefit of professional mental health mentorship we’re demonstrating true love for our wellbeing. You can turn yourself into your own best friend and loving partner. It’s okay to fall madly in love with ourselves. Studies show that when we love ourselves our relationships with others improve dramatically.


It’s often difficult to communicate effectively with people we’re close to. Even people who don’t typically have difficulty communicating can run into barriers. In a therapeutic environment, mentors help us learn to navigate tough situations. It’s a setting where you learn to communicate effectively, persuasively, and with kindness.

There are times when our thinking and our emotions a raw. Learning how to take those moments and communicate them tactfully and respectfully is a powerful tool. It’s the type of thing you’ll want to have in negotiations of all kinds. It can be useful at work and in your personal life.


Let’s face it, there are times when we have to talk about things we don’t want to. A mind mentor can help you to not only process the troubling topics, but to communicate through them helpfully and healthily. You learn to tolerate discomfort and move through it with grace and dignity.

This is especially hard when you’re dealing with tricky situations. You want to be able to process the information and reach effective conclusions. You’ll be equipped to turn an uncomfortable scenario into a chance for real connection and expression. That’s the fastest way to win for everyone involved.


When you have personal or professional relationships that you’d like to see improved, a mind mentor can help. They can show you effective ways to deepen and improve friendships, partnerships, and personal relationships. You learn how to keep and respect boundaries, be transparent in an appropriate way, and build a solid foundation of trust.


All of these things make you a better version of yourself. A mind mentor, a therapist, or a psychologist isn’t always for those suffering from mental health issues. The resourceful human, the resourceful professional, is just as in tune with their mental health as they are with the rest of their lives. Anyway, in the end, it’s nice to just have someone to talk to.

About the author


Co-Founder of Lisnic 🌏 Founder of CODI Agency (Digital Marketing)📱
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