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5 min read
By Rhymney Mazza

Why is it important to showcase your workplace culture? | Lisnic


In today’s world, people are looking for workplaces where they can advance their career for the long term. To make this important decision, one of the most important things that potential employees look for is a positive and ‘vibey’ workplace culture.

You’ve probably heard some good stories (and not so good stories) regarding some of the most recognisable companies in the world. You’ve heard gossip about their work conditions, the pay, and the opportunities to advance one’s career.

It’s always a good idea to get some intel on a business before you consider turning in your resume and cover letter. The last thing you want to do is make a mistake working for a company that gives you so little in return for your contributions.

As an employer, you should understand that your employees are looking for a good place to work. Whether you are looking for long-term management roles or entry level career starters, your workplace culture will play a huge role in who will be interested in working for you.

What are the benefits of a positive workplace culture?

Here’s what to expect when you foster a positive workplace culture:

People are more productive

When people are happier, they tend to work better. They are more focused, energetic, and driven to help meet the goals of your company. If the workplace culture is the opposite, then employees won’t waste a single second looking for better opportunities.

Your employees will feel empowered to make a difference. They’ll work together with their fellow teammates to exceed your expectations.

They’ll stay longer

When there is positivity in the workplace, the turnover rate will be less frequent, meaning that people will likely stay longer rather than moving on to another company. They may stay on for many more months or years but it’s up to you to help make sure that happens. Office politics are the last thing you ever want to think about.

Employees will feel more appreciated

As an employer, you want your employees to look forward to working for you. Monday through to Friday, they will do their best to get their jobs done while feeling appreciated for their efforts. A positive workplace culture will set the stage.

Make sure you provide regular assessments for your employees rather than quarterly or annually and help them learn new things that will benefit their careers.

There is more trust

In a positive workplace culture, trust levels are higher. Employees trust you and you will trust them in return. It’s as simple as that.

People don’t want to work with someone they cannot trust. It is important for you to be honest and upfront with them all the time. Transparency is key especially if you are in a leadership position.

Don’t string along your employees with promises you cannot fulfill. You also shouldn’t push your employees to the limit when things are falling apart. At times when your leadership is needed, people will trust you to make the right decisions. They know that you’ll make the best call even if it’s a decision that may be difficult.

You will be the go-to person

Tying into the previous example of trust, people will trust you enough to listen, especially when it’s problems that they are dealing with. If they have something to say that requires your attention, they’ll go to you.

They are also comfortable in sharing something they may be bothering them, such a new policy, colleague or life at home. Whilst you may not have all the answers, it’s beneficial to be aware of the situation.

How to be a good listener in the workplace

If there is one major skill that any employer should have, it’s being a good listener. You want to be able to listen to ideas, concerns, and everything in between from your employees. The more willing you are to listen, the better.

Your employees will like you more and place their trust in you. When you listen, you are able to ask questions and dive deeper into the conversation, take notes and consider what steps you can take for someone who is in need of assistance.

When you listen to your employees, you are likely to come across even more new ideas, ideas that will help accelerate your business (two heads are better than one right?). As a bonus, your employees may have ideas based on what they have heard from your customers and clients.

Final Thoughts

Having a positive workplace culture will draw in more prospective hires that want to work for you. People will talk about it outside of the office by word of mouth, online, and more. When you can provide a good place to work, you will have happier, more productive employees that will be driven to achieve your business goals. They will look forward to working for you every day as long as they stay with the company. Do your part to make a positive workplace environment so that your employees will talk about it for years to come.

About the author


Customer Service Coordinator at Lisnic.com 🤝

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